M.E.L.T. 攜同 Eüreka
參戰大敵當前 ‘’女力金屬祭‘’
Arch Enemy 是當今最好的旋律死亡金屬之一,擁有純粹的攻擊性,技術高超的創作才能,簡單易記的歌曲,再加上惡魔般令人恐懼且極具爆發力的低音嘶吼,使歌迷們非常推崇樂團的音樂作品。Arch Enemy 邪神大敵樂團是一支來自歐陸金屬帝國瑞典的超級組合,“Arch Enemy”是聖經中的聖獸,世界的帝王–撒旦,團員都具有豐富的組團經驗和高超的演奏技巧,起始樂團的組合是吉他手 Michael Amott (前 Carcass 吉他手) 和他弟弟 Christopher Amott,女主唱 Angela Gossow,鼓手 Daniel Erlandsson (前 In Flames 鼓手) 及貝斯手 Sharlee D'Angelo。
2014年樂團加入新主唱 Alissa White-Gluz (加拿大金屬核樂團 The Agonist 創團原老,Kamelot 現場演唱會主唱),這位金屬美女的加入更激發樂團音樂的爆發力。同年,美國吉他速彈點弦無敵手 Jeff Loomis (美國金屬名團 Nevermore 創團原老) 正式加入 Arch Enemy,Jeff 吉他演奏功夫極為出色,在這兩位樂壇新秀的加入之後,邪神大敵樂團在國際金屬樂壇上更顯發光發亮。
2018年曾經與邪神大敵合作的美國新秀吉他手 Joey Concepcion 在 Jeff Loomis 離開樂團之後正式加入。Joey 17歲時的精湛彈奏技巧引起團長 Michael Amott 的注意,知名的樂團 Yngwie Malmsteen 和 Loudness 的主唱紛紛找他客串演出,加入瑞典旋死樂團 Armagineddon 後,名氣大增,美國旋死樂團 The Absence、英國硬核樂團 Hatebreed、美國老牌金屬樂團Twisted Sister 都曾找他跨刀合作。
Rise Of The Tyrant 專輯贏得瑞典 Metal Award 2008 最佳死亡金屬專輯和最佳搖滾/金屬獎,2017年最新專輯 Will To Power 堪稱 Arch Enemy 最成熟的代表作。本張專輯還邀請離團的 Christopher Amott 鼎力跨刀鍵盤和吉他演奏,和芬蘭金屬國寶樂團 Stratovarius (騰雲)的鍵盤手 Jens Johansson (Mastermind、Cain's Offering、Timo Tolkki's Avalon、Rainbow 鍵盤手)參與鍵盤和大鍵琴的演奏,使得 Will To Power 的願力發揮到極致。
不斷要求卓越演出的 Arch Enemy,舞台上經典的表演震撼著現場的每一位粉絲。2024年5月11日是他們第五度來到台灣寶島開唱,此次,女力台北,女力台中,特別與台灣兩個女力金屬樂團M.E.L.T.和Eüreka共同演出,Arch Enemy 的嘶吼將點燃粉絲心中的熱情。粉絲們!在這重要的時刻,快來跟著 Arch Enemy 一起怒吼吧!
入場時間:17:00 (以現場公告為準)
入場時間:17:00 (以現場公告為準)
演出地點:Legacy Taichung 傳 音樂展演空間
交通方式:高鐵 轉乘公車
1. 155副線-安和公園站
2. 161-福安里站(台灣大道/安和路)
啟售時間:2024/2/3 (六) 上午 09:00
票 價:(早鳥票數售完恢復原價)
邪神貴賓區站席 限量30張 早鳥票 NT$3,888 / 原價票NT$4,288 (參加預定4pm簽名會、拍照和享有搖滾區優先入場權利+特製吊飾掛牌及年曆海報)
大敵搖滾區站席 限量300張 早鳥票NT$1,888 / 原價票NT$2,288
Female Metal Formosa 2024 Featuring Arch Enemy
●Doors Open:5:00pm (Based on announcements in the venue)
●Show Time:6:00pm
●Venue:Hana Space(Taipei City Youth Development and Family Education Center 10F)
10F, No. 17, Sec. 1, Ren'ai Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City
●Traffic:MRT 1.Blue Line -Shandao Temple Station:EXIT 3;
2. Red Line-NTU Hospital Station:EXIT 2
Female Metal Formosa 2024 Featuring Arch Enemy
●Doors Open:5:00pm (Based on announcements in the venue)
●Show Time:6:00pm
●Venue:Legacy Taichung
No. 117, Anhe Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City
●Traffic:High Speed Rail Taichung Station transfer to city bus
1. #155 secondary line - Anhe Park Station
2. #161 - Fu-an Village Station
●Admission Ticket Prices:
- Arch Zone(VIP), 30 tickets only, Early Bird NT$3,888 (Original NT$4,288)
*VIP includes Autograph Session, Badge and Poster (Before doors open)
*Limited one material for signature.
●Enemy Zone, Early Bird NT$1,888 (Original NT$2,288)
●General Sale:2024/2/3(SAT) 9am
KKTIX, FamilyMart-Famiport-Register first
Promoter: The Rock Promotions / Rock Empire Music / Emerge Music
.VIP Autograph Session is at 4pm temporary (The VIP badge and serial numbers will start to release on 10th floor of the venue at 4pm. According to the order of queuing on site.) The organizer has the right to reschedule VIP Autograph Session time. If VIP ticket holders do not attend Autograph Session on time, and it will be regarded as voluntary waiver. Please pay attention to Rock Empire Music official website www.rockempire.com.tw and Facebook FB/rockempire three days before the concert.
.Reserved seats in this concert.
.No drinking, eating, professional camera and flash light in the venue.
.Tickets are not allowed to be torn by audiences. Ticket stubs are not allowed to entry except with extra entry card if you leave the venue after entry.
.One person holds one ticket, children still need to buy tickets, and only those over 120cm can enter the venue.
.Lost tickets will not be reissued.
.Who does not cooperate with the promoter, MUST leave and no entry again.
.The organizer The Rock Promotions / Rock Empire Music reserves the right to reschedule the event details.
退票方式及退款時間請詳閱 KKTIX退換票規定
In order to process your refund request, physical tickets must be mailed to KKTIX before the due date. For KKTIX address, please refer to KKTIX REFUND POLICY.
NOTE: If you choose Family Mart as ticket collect method, you will still need to pick up your ticket at Family Mart and send it to KKTIX.